The watermark can be quite annoying if we wanted to use an image somewhere, but it has a website name or a company name in I as a watermark, so nobody would like to use it anywhere, but no worry you can make that mark disappear from the image and then share it where you can, here are the steps involved.

Visit WebInpaint website where you need to do a simple registration by providing your mail id and setting up a password
• After the registration process is all done, then you have to upload the image from which you would like to remove the mark from
• Then from the edit menu, just pick the marker tool and give an outline over the watermark
• After you complete doing the overline, just hit the green colored Play button on the top which will begin the process
• After the completion of the process the image with the mark removed will be presented in front of you on the screen, you can save the image and share it wherever you want

Thus, WebInpaint can be a great tool that comes to your help.

Also read: A few fascinating search engines for searching similar to your faces

An article by Munna Suprathik