WhatsApp has recently launched a very useful "Delete for all" feature that allows users to divert the message. The Delete for all option is available only for a certain period of time. It does not work after the 7 minute time limit set by WhatsApp. There are many occasions when the user submits something by mistake and finds out later. You get excited and write things you shouldn't have or some stupid spelling mistakes. After sending the message, you only have 7 minutes as the deadline to delete it. Once the time limit is crossed, there is no going back. 

How to delete old WhatsApp messages for everyone

Step 1: The first important step is to cut off the internet access to your phone. That means turn off the data or wifi.

Step2: Now open Whatsapp > Then write down or remember the date and time of the Whatsapp message that you want to delete.

Make Sure to close the Whatsapp app.

Step 3: Now, Go to Settings > Search Date and time.

Location of Date and time in settings differ from phone to phone. The best way is to simply go to search by entering ‘date and time’ in search box.

Step 4 : Disable Automatic Date and time. Then some other options will be shown to set date and time.

Step 5Set the date and time that you have write down in Step 2. Remember that you set time just after 1 minute from the message to be deleted.

Step 6: After setting time, Open Whatsapp and go back to that message that you want to delete. Hold down on the message and press on Delete button on top. Then you will see Delete for everyone option will be available. Just click on Delete on everyone.

Step 7: Now reconnect your phone to internet. Then message will be deleted from both sides.

And yeah don’t forget to enable back the automatic date and time.


1. Whatsapp should be completely closed from task manager before setting date and time. If not work, Then force stop Whatsapp before setting the fake date& time.

2. The date& time set should be ahead from the message to be deleted but not more than 7 minutes.

eg. If the message that you want to delete for everyone was sent at 2:25 pm, then fake time should be set to 2:26 pm( or less than 2:32 pm)

An article by Munna Suprathik