Sometimes we get an important text message with some work that we have to do later. And we forget it because these days very few of us check our text messages once they are read. In such a scenario, Google has come up with a solution and allows you to set a reminder in Messages so that you don't forget anything. Let's know how to set reminders in the messages application on Android.

Steps to Set Reminder in 

1] First of all, update you Messages app to the latest version, and if your phone doesn’t have a stock Message app, download it from Play Store.

2] Now open any conversation, and select a particular message by tapping and holding which you want to be reminded of.

3] You will see some icons on top menu bar, here tap on clock icon.

4] It will offer you custom time options to set a reminder.

5] Select your preferred tome and you are good to go.

This is how you can set a reminder on any text message on your Messages app. You can set multiple reminders on the same messages or even different messages.