We all would have known about encrypted messages. The various popular messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook have introduced this encryption feature quite some time ago. But have you ever thought or wondered about having something like that for emails? yes, of course it will be very useful and safe for all those people who exchange sensitive information through emails.

Gmail, the most used mailing service needs this feature. As this service is not available as an inbuilt feature, one needs to add the extension from Chrome browser.

In the chrome browser’s web store search for the extension Secure mail for Gmail And add this extension to your chrome browser.

This extension lets the user send encrypted emails where the data will be hundred percent safe.

Then just open your Gmail account and sign in using your mail id and password. Just beside the compose mail button, you will find another option with lock symbol in it, click on it and a box will open, type your message and enter receiver’s details and click on send. Now it will ask you to enter the encryption password which you need to enter and share with the receiver later as he/she needs this password to open that email received. That is it, you can now very easily send encrypted emails using secure mail.